In March of 2024 a murmur started to spread across northern Madison County. A public notice had been put up on a property in the heart of the agricultural zone of the area and less than five miles from the Kentucky River. As neighbors began to talk and share information, it was brought to light the public notice was for a conditional use permit application for a large-scale distillery. Much to the surprise of the community members, somewhere along the way land use regulations had changed and a conditional use permit could be applied for to place any size of a distillery within an agricultural zoned property. This particular development was proposed to be a full-scale bourbon distillery with the capacity to produce over 100,000 barrels annually and store 500,000 barrels on site. For an area with inadequate infrastructure for such a major undertaking and beautiful whisky fungus-free landscapes, this development raised multiple red flags for those living near the property.
Neighbors in opposition of the manufacturing facility in the agricultural zone got to work. As neighbors we shared information, rallied support, and showed up to the public hearing during the Board of Adjustment Meeting in March of 2024. After more than two hours of testimony provided by those opposed to the development, the decision was tabled at that meeting by the Board of Adjustments.
The Board of Adjustments took the item off the table and approved the conditional use permit during their May 2024 meeting, much to the dismay of those who had provided ample evidence for why this specific project in this specific location would be detrimental to all those in Madison County. It was then that we realized we had to do more than just speak up at a single public hearing and hope for the best. Neighbors became friends who then founded the registered 501(c)(4) nonprofit Preserve Madison County to stand together and protect what matters.
We are currently following the legal avenues we have to continue to fight against the proposed distillery, but we've realized this is bigger than a distillery. Madison County is on track to be one of the top three hardest hit counties in terms of farmland lost to development by 2040. Madison County is also the second largest cattle-producing county in the state. Preserve Madison County believes we can have development, but development does not have to come at the expense of the farmland and natural resources so many rely on. We hope to bring awareness to the senseless development and force a change of mindset on how and where to develop Madison County.
The question that drives those involved in Preserve Madison County is, What would Madison County look like if everyone had to play by the same rules?
As a community, we are pushing for fairness and transparency across our governments. Please consider helping us continue the push for fairness, equality, and smart growth in Madison County. Join Preserve Madison County or donate today!
As a member of Preserve Madison County, you will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the future of Madison County. Your support will help us to expand our programs and make a lasting difference in the community. Contact us today to learn more about becoming a member.